
The AthleteHero marketplace is where goods and services can be bought for FIT tokens. The marketplace only accepts FIT coins. An AthleteHero NFT is required to make purchases within the marketplace.


Marketplace items include both physical goods and services. Some items will have a limited quantity available and sold as "first come, first serve."

Several goods and services from our corporate family (RacerSignUp Inc. and will also be sold within the marketplace.

An example of some of the types of goods and services to be available in the marketplace are:

  • Athletic clothing

  • Athletic gear

  • Training plans

  • Coaching

  • Race registration

Operational Costs

The costs for manufacturing and providing the services and goods are funded through secondary sales of the NFT, future collections, and income from the existing corporate family of companies Racer SignUp Inc. and


When an item is exchanged for FIT coin within the marketplace, the tokens paid are burned off. Burning lowers the supply of tokens, thus increasing their rarity and value.

Last updated